Thursday, 19 September 2013

A diary entry of a Flapper woman of the Roaring 1920's.

Dear Diary, 16 May 1923

Ever since I started working, I feel like a new woman altogether. We, women, have been suppressed so much, made to feel, like household chores and pleasing men is all that we are meant for, but now, I feel, we are no less, we have a say, a position in this male dominated society and soon, we shall be treated as equals in all areas of life. The struggle for voting rights for women has already begun, and I am sure we shall succeed in it. We, women, have taken a stand and discarded the traditional corsets, which we were made to wear, since childhood. My mother would often tell me that to be desirable and appear attractive to a gentleman, I must have a narrow, thin waist and accentuated breasts, and so I need to wear corsets. However, I have made a decision and that is, to discard the tight corseting and adopt the flapper attire. I don’t wish to be looked at by men just as objects; I am an independent woman now. If I need to fight for my rights, freedom and achieve equality for my fellow women and future generations of women, I need to set an example, just like Coco Chanel. 

Coco Chanel is one of the first women to wear trousers, cut her hair and reject the corset. Coco Chanel is a spark and we need to spread this fire now. This era is marked for change, with the economy growing and widespread prosperity; women have been exposed to sudden employment opportunities as typists and telephone operators etc. My neighbour, Sindy Gallon’s husband, just bought a car, they are no longer a luxury, mass produced vehicles have become so common throughout, and it’s a good thing, because I feel that all, no matter which class of the society one belongs to, all have the right to experience new things and lead a life of equality, free from any kind of social discrimination. Because of the increase in motor vehicles, there is on-going construction of highways and expressways, which is really great, seeing the increase in the number of automobiles on the road suddenly. 

Although the electrification had slowed during the war, it has progressed greatly, and many industries have switched from coal power to electricity, electricity production has quadrupled. All these changes that are taking place are a sign of a new era that is coming in. Working families are now able to afford basic clothing, owing it all to improved production methods which have enabled manufacturers to produce fabrics like cotton and wool, which are the abundant fabrics these days. Silk, is more luxurious and expensive and hence, there is limited supply. Years from now, if my children or grandchildren read this diary entry, I want them to know that a lot of struggle is taking place right now for equality of women, voting rights, and breaking the social norms associated with the woman. The biggest changes that have taken place for women are, employment and independence in terms of our clothing. Corsets have been worn by women for a really long time, and they have deteriorated the health and emotional state of women for years and now finally, women have opted for the simple silhouette attire, for reasons more than one. Corsets have created spinal problems and respiratory issues for years now, and I don’t understand why women should have to go through all this since childhood? Little girls are brainwashed, by being told that if you don’t have a narrow waist and overly accentuated breasts, no man would want you and you’d stay unmarried forever. Women need to be looked at from different angles now. Hence, the change in attire. 

A total transformation is taking place, from large gowns with metal frames to support the dress; it has changed to a bustless, waist less, hipless silhouette attire. We don’t want to just please men anymore, and we certainly don’t want restricted household roles, we are the Flappers, flapping our wings to new heights, to never ending possibilities and opportunities. To people, we are women who wish to break all norms of society and do things that are otherwise considered, not so feminine. However, when we walk the streets in our straight line chemise with skirts and wedges and bobbed cut hair, we speak change, freedom, equality and independence, because Lord knows it, we deserve every bit of it. This change that is taking place in all areas; economy, suffrage, technology, infrastructure, it is all the beginning of a new era, and when the society accepts this change wholeheartedly, that is when, we are truly going to be liberated from all the suppression, discrimination and deprivation that we have faced till now. I know it, I can feel the change, and it shall happen very soon, when we, women are able to enjoy these changes as equals. Women are setting examples today, and I hope that the challenges and struggles that we are facing today, will inspire the women of the future generations, to fight for their rights and know that freedom and equality are everyone’s birth right, be it a man or a woman, for one can’t exist without the other and hence, here we come, the Flappers, to let the world know it. 


  1. is this a real diary entry from the 1920s?

    1. Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately no. I had been doing a lot of research on The Flapper movement, in the 1920's for a designing assignment, and i imagined the life of a woman in the 1920's and wrote this.
      Sorry to disappoint. :)

  2. a glaring flaw is that women gained the right to vote in 1919 and this is set in 1923 so...

  3. a glaring flaw is that women gained the right to vote in 1919 and this is set in 1923 so...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. women had the right to vote at this time tho....
