Monday, 29 April 2013

Stuck In The Middle

Sometimes, when one tries to be understanding and tries to be a good listener to people’s worries, many a times one finds oneself stuck in the middle, not knowing which side to ally with or which side is right or wrong. People often resort to cajolery many times to get you to do what they want and to keep your relations good with them you tend to do what they ask of you. But for how long exactly is one supposed to keep doing things that others want, when is it the time to draw a line and set some ground rules defining the relationship that you have? When is it the time to say NO?

Certainly, some would say, one should know what is right and what is wrong.

Some would say, keep doing the work until and unless it’s not under your name and blame.

It’s definitely not easy to say NO. Especially, when it’s someone you know, someone you’re related to, or maybe someone superior, someone you work for, like for instance your boss?

So, what should one do?

Well, for starters, be selfish, you need to know what you’re uncomfortable with and what seems inappropriate to you?

You need to stick like a glue to your values and your ideals, because these define you and make you who you are, and once you’ve lost them, you’ve lost yourself.

If you feel, you’re a person who’s respected a lot by your colleagues and friends, and people around you, you need to know that, it’s because of who you are, these people have seen who you are and that’s why they respect you, but if you’re not YOU anymore, what reason have they got to respect you, what reason have you got to respect yourself??

So, say NO, because that’s what makes you who you are, you might get a few smirks and annoyed expressions from people you said NO to, but that’s because you proved your strength, and deep down somewhere they might even be a bit jealous, of how strong you are. :P

So, don’t be stuck in the middle. The line between what your conscience allows you to do and what you find is wrong, is only thin if you’re willing to compromise, but it’s also wide enough if you’re true to yourself because the only person that you are ACTUALLY answerable to, in the end, is yourself.

And as Rachel tells Bruce Wayne, (batman) "It’s not what you are underneath, but what you do that defines you."

So, don’t try to justify your acts, by saying "I’m not like this from inside".

Because trust me, you and I both know, we always respect reality over pretence.

So, say NO, to say YESSsssss...!!


Saturday, 27 April 2013

PAIN- A mere Luxury.

I approached the gentleman at the small shop, to get my ears pierced, scared, out of my wits, of the pain that I would have to face. My best friend stood in front of me holding both my hands, so that I can clutch them as hard as I like and scream ,when it pained, as much as my lungs would allow. So, I am sitting on the small stool and I choose the silver stud that I want on the upper lobe of both my ears. And as i am sitting, the gentleman just pierces it through my skin, and I let out this loud scream, for everyone in the arcade to stare at. And I don't know what happened but suddenly I have these pictures of hungry starving malnutritioned kids in the world, women, victims of domestic violence, sexual assaults and what not! I have these screams of pain of cancer patients going through the horrors of chemotherapys and radiations, to get few more days to live, than they have. The pain of teenage mothers dying during child birth, the pain of female infanticide, the pain of a mother loosing her chind all because she gave birth to another mother? A child who doesn't even understand 'GENDER', is ruthlessly killed, all because she was a little unwanted princess instead of a sought after prince? When these pictures came in my mind, something just spoke to me, that these are the people going through pain, only to survive, and hence isn't pain a mere luxury for me right now? I'm getting my ears pierced, and I'm screaming because of the pain... really?? I couldn't be more of a drama queen than this. And the next thing I know, when the man pierces my  other ear, I feel nothing, because the pain seems nothing. When I thought of how many people are going to die today, because they won't have access to the little things that are mere utilitarian for us, but for them it could be luxuries. I realised how lucky I am to have pain as a luxury, and I counted my blessings, and thanked the invisible force that binds us all together on this earth, for all that I have and most of all giving me pain, not as a way of life as it is to many helpless people and kids in his world, but as a luxury.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

What i am.

That's me, AimerHina! Doing what i am born to do..Singing away!
If you enjoy it, there are more on my youtube channel, TheJustHina.
And more to come.
Ciao :)